Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Web Design

Design is a crucial element for the business. Nowadays the face of the business is the website. Therefore your website would be most impressive if designed professionally.

A book Web Design in a Nutshell (A Desktop Quick Reference) and a short course in this. Could save your business a large  amount of money .

The advantages of building a Fluid website:
  • You don't need to worry about choosing a target monitor resolution.  
  • The whole window is filled without awkward space left over.

Disadvantage of a fluid website as opposed to fixed:

  • Elements may shift unpredictably if font is larger or smaller.
  • When building a website you have to consider not everyone can get Adobe Flash and every monitor is different.

The name of your product included in the URL will strengthen your identity.
Message should be loud and clear on your website on every page. Minds may wander if you've got pages and pages of non brand image pages.
Viral media is the explosion to beat all other explosions into submission.

Social media has infected the world.

It’s the worlds premium method of communicating. Without them people are enclosed. Of course there are people who share common interests, and want engage with each other. A unique business opportunity is given to allow you, to target your audience, and inform them where they can interact with you.

Viral media is based around the concept of something on a social media website becoming so popular and widespread that it appears on every inch of the web from personal blogs right down to e-mail and word of mouth!

News that hits Viral Buzz can shoot up in popularity to the point that entire websites can go offline due to the heavy flows of traffic trying to find out more information. 

This effect of social media is often known as the slashdot effect after the technology blog that started this trend and has spread over into sites like Twitter (which uses the word "Twitterpated" to imply that something has gone viral). 

While, I don't know if you're into the infectious 'buzz' of this viral networking, it has the potential to seriously self-promote your field.

Musicians, like My Chemical Romance first album  I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, had a small, but strong core following. 

The album sold only 10,000 copies.

They dipped into the 'viral' world, pushing 'three cheers for sweet revenge', their second album, on My &, two relatively new (at the time), music-heavy social networking sites with an exploding user base.

The album sold more than 1.5 million units. So, their first album sold only 0.66% of their second, the subject of a  viral explosion.

Social Media: There's far more pros than cons for me. We're more connected; we have more choice.

Korean kids are growing up with so much ability. In many cases they are becoming entrepreneurs at 17 yrs of age. Due to widespread connection to broadband under the age of five.

Huge global political news stories are reported in great depth. Fine Detail through the power of social media. The world is changing and this is a major vehicle driving it.

The Global Plant Floor: The former multi-national model for companies is changing. Smart companies are deploying resources, breaking down national silos, to harness the capabilities of human capital across borders

There are no boundaries. Whereas before the web 2.0 and the enterprise 2.0  companies would have all sorts of barricades to break, when it came to communicating across borders.

Its not only co-creative online communities in the web 2.0. Its the actual peer production of physical things.Smart companies coming of age.

£1.3million cuts at job-centres. Efficiency could be so much better. I'm certain networking, social, viral explosions, whatever. They don't even use e-mail.


Accounting: The term 'accountant' does not necessarily mean that the person has any formal accountancy qualification -The "Financial Times" Guide to Business Start Up 2010: The Only Annually Updated Guide for Entrepreneurs (Financial Times Series)  

The book in question- 'As comprehensive an introduction to setting up a business as anyone could ever read' The Daily Telegraph comment.

The Daily Mail's assessment: 'The Wisden of the small business world, threaded through with common sense practical advice'

'A must for any small business owner' say the federation of small business

Employing a fully qualified accountant for up to 75 employed business is like cracking a nut with a sledgehammer.

Marketing should be focused on direct responses. Work out a  target group.
You can write the message on websites, advertising, direct mail, press releases and materials.

Alternatively speak the message, telephone selling, carrying out demonstrations, exhibitions, and face to face selling. Imply the message through a logo.

Business Plans are an ongoing process. There is nothing like writing something down to help clarify and reveal uncertainties and weaknesses. Be conservative about plans, forecasts, sales and costs. Don't mislead banks and financial institutions.

This is the model for the business plan-
  1. The Past - How long have you been in the business?

  1. Management - Any past management experiences? Two or three pages of management achievements.

  1. Product or Service - two pages plus an appendix.

  1. Marketing - Size of the market- Analysis of the market -Likely Customers - Competitors.

  1. A management accountant will do a full Competitor Profitability Analysis for you. Three or four pages of marketing analysis. And another for selling How, Who, and Pricing.

  1. Operational Detailing - How are you going to keep the show on the road?

  1. Financial Analysis - this is a job for the professional -  the Accountant. The term ' Accountant' is not necessarily someone with any formal qualifications in management accounting two or three pages of financial analysis. One or two pages on the prospects for the business.                                                    

What I'm offering business as well as my Management Accounting for decision makers. Accounts setting up systems, annual accounts, and  audit. Finance managing costs, I can offer you tax return process documents. Set up a business account which is not left until the end of the year. I will update it monthly, prepare plans, forecasts, and advise on form of your business.

The Economist books have secrets within.

Activity Based Costing (ABC) is an essential piece of armory for an accountant. It’s an alternative to traditional overhead accounting  Cost-benefit analysis is a weighing scale approach to making business decisions. All the pulses (the benefits) are put on one side of the balance and all the minuses (the costs) are put on the other. Whichever weighs the heavier wins.

A company considering whether to buy new computer systems, for example, might put on cost side things like:
  • the price of the computers themselves;
  • the cost of hiring people to install them
  • the cost of training staff to use them.

On the benefits side would be things like
  • greater speed in carrying out the company's operations;
  • greater efficiency in organising data;
  • a boost-staff morale from using latest equipment.

Maths is not great fun. In fact a level maths for economics is horrid. In life occasionally there are some things you do which you may not enjoy, but show an aptitude. These could have immense benefits. An hour a week of mathematics  and you'll be very decisive in many problems. Management problems. Essential children realise this life skill.

Gross Profit is the figure to analyse when completing Competitor Profitability Analysis (CPA).

It’s the primary source of competitor analysis. Why? This is where the competitor is measured. Not their costs of toilet tissue.

Check this out a-m-a-z-i-n-g

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sharing of Science

The New Alecksandrians

On the Gadget Show on channel five; there was an experiment where Jon Bentley used the new web to carry out the work of a GP.  A patient gave him their symptoms and Jon was able to ascertain exactly what medical condition the person was suffering with. Not once, was he not, able to pin-point the complaint and recommend a solution. 

This is where the walls of institution are crumbling.  Scientists can now publish, manage data and collaborate across institutional boundaries.  All the worlds Scientific data and research is becoming available to every single researcher without prejudice or burden.

Unrealistic you say? Not really, when you consider that conventional science publishing is both slow and expensive for users, and that these issues in turn are increasingly big problems in science. There's calls for the old paradigm to be cast away.

The problems with the 'old' issues.

Traditional journals aggregate academic papers by subject and deploy highly structured systems for evaluating and storing the accumulated knowledge of a Scientific community. Conventional Scientific publishing is both slow and expensive for users,these issues are increasingly big issues in Science. Visit any campus today and you'll hear even louder vocal cries for the old paradigm to be swept aside.  

As new forms of peer collaboration and open- access publishing emerge, this looks more likely by the day. Frustrated authors find their cutting-edge discoveries less cutting edge after old paradigm lumbering review process delayed publication. Delays of up to a year on peer reviewed academic papers. With the pace of science increasing today, that's just simply not fast enough. Other problems encountered are paid subscriptions. 

 As Scientific endeavor swells in scale and speed,however,a growing number of participants in the scientific eco-system are questioning whether the antiquated journal system is adequate to satisfy their needs.  Enough of the old paradigm. The new augmented, if not superseded- the increasing amounts of peer-to-peer collaboration.


Its not new you know peer-to-peer fashion is certainly nothing new in Science. Recent research suggests that collaboration is exploding. Collaboration has exploded. Papers have between two hundred and five hundred authors! A high ranked paper has got 1,681 authors. 

Knowledge aggregators need to accommodate new realities. Online databanks and the rise of large-scale Internet-mediated collaborations. The worlds largest particle accelerator is producing petabytes of raw data each year-data that will be stored,preprocessed,stored, and analyzed by teams of tens of thousands of physicists around the world.


In the old days you were assigned to a corporate team, and that's where you stayed, building up bonds and trust and loyalty that would enable you and your teammates to collaborate effectively. 

Today, new forms of mass collaboration suggest that companies may be better off with a more self-organised approach to teaming. 

Wiki, Amazon, Linux, and others are mass collaborations of developers. 

Large scale efforts building peer to peer networks. Some teams form temporarily around a particular project, in much the same way that film crews come together for a few months at a time to produce a movie, and then go on their separate ways to work on other productions.  

This new approach to teaming is highly fluid and federated. Military forces are benefiting. 

Increasing teams work from home.specific desks and costs of office leases. Prosumer communities can be incredible source of innovation if companies give customers tools they need to participate in value production. 

Some will no doubt complain that such a radical approach to work-place organization is unmanageable. But if that were really the case then we wouldn't see communities like Wikipedia, the open source movement, or the Human Genome Project collaborating successful on a very large scale. With the right tools and enough transparency, a large and diverse group of self-selecting to add value can complete even the most complex tasks with only a minimum of central control

New alecksandrians are ushering in a new model of collaborative science that will lower the cost and accelerate the pace of technological progress in their industries. 

Platforms for participation create a global stage where large communities of partners can create value and, in many cases, new businesses in a highly synergistic ecosystem.

Too much choice?

The overwhelming reality of our online age is that EVERYTHING can be available. Online retailers offer variety on a scale unimaginable even a decade ago. Millions of products in every possible variant and combination. But does anyone need this much choice? Can we handle it?

This is the question you see. It's being raised more and more these day as the online cornucopia expands. The conventional view is that more online choice is better, because it acknowledges that people are different and allows them to find what's right for them. 

Barry Schwartz argued that too much choice is not just confusing, it's downright oppressive. He cited a now-famous study of consumer behaviour in a supermarket The details from the paper: 

"Why Choice is Demotivating," Customers tasted a selection of Jam; One from a small selection six- Another from a selection of twenty four- Customers choosing from the selection of six - 30% actually bought the product and from the selection of twenty four - only 3% paid for it.

Customers get oppressed and confused sometimes with too much choice. As the number of choices keeps growing, negative aspects of having a multitude of options begin to appear. As the number of choices grows further, the negatives escalate until we become overloaded. At this point, choice no longer liberates, but debilitates. It might even be said to tyrannize.

Despite the detriments associated with choice overload, consumers want choice and they want a lot of it. The benefits that stem from choice,however, come not from the options themselves, but rather from the process of choosing. By allowing choosers to perceive themselves as volitional agents having successfully constructed their preferenceand ultimate selection outcomes during the choosing task, the importance of choice is reinstated. 

Amazon sell Jam. They sell twelve hundred kinds of jam thanks to it marketplace partnerships with a host of small speciality food merchants. In a bricks-and-mortar store, products sit on the shelf where they've been placed. If a consumer doesn't know what he or she wants, the only guide is whatever marketing material may be printed on the package, and the rough assumption that the product offered in the greatest volume is probably the most popular.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

General Health

DANSynergy is a health consulting business with assistance for micro,small business in management accounting.

Aloe is so strong.
A Powerful purgative and proven as a sublime medicinally sound miraculous mammal and animal curer 

My patent protected products can be used to massive effect internally. The drinks are completely unique.

Purge your bowels, soften and soothe the skin, promote wound healing, apply to burns, scars, slow healing wounds, and inflamed skin.

Aloe Vera. Stimulate your stomach by drinking Aloe Vera gel mixed with a chilled white wine.

Honeybee is human kinds most valuable ally.

Bee Pollen/wax/honeycomb superb for wounds, burns, hay-fever. As well as containing enough nutrients to live on.

By far its greatest contribution are the pollination of crops.followed by the provision of several intriguing substances that help human health.

Bee venom and bee venom extract- 
  • Counter-irritant. 
  • Anti-biotic.
  • A tonic.
  • Soothes internal body surfaces
  • Sedative.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • stimulates the stomach.
  • Relieves pain.
  • Neutralises toxic substances.

The most potent hay fever cure it is pollen-but it's a driver of eliminating pollen like no other product.

  • Venom treats arthritis. 
  • Apply to stings and inflammation.
  • Use homeopathically for painful swellings.
  • Wound external ulcers and burn healing.
  • This product of mine longevity and vitality.
  • Constipation.
  • Coughs and colds.
  • Hay-fever cure.

My propolis is the most remarkable act of human kindness

If you have a mouth or stomach ulcer it will clear it so quickly. Its like the U2 song Miracle Cure a miracle drug. 

  1. If you're impotent it sorts that out.
  2. If you're depressed.
I'm growing parsley, used for kidney stones, poor digestion and rheumatic complaints.
Parsley Piert for kidney or bladder stones. As well as urinary tract.
The Lady Mantle cures laryngitis and bleeding gums.

Use passion flower if you suffer with insomnia

I have the most incredible night related product combine passion flower with Multi-Maca. 


Get a poke root for a dizzy head.
Got toothache? Cajuput will help while curing synus problems- Its a bit of wood you know.

White Horehound will sort your poor digestion out.

Bogbean for anyone with anorexia
Got any swelling - what you need is a tarantula- a large spider. It'll sort you out

Wool fat good for penetration.

Softening the skin get hold of some pit viper. Its good for physical ailments particularly muscular, in soothing.

Bhuchu leaves good for cystitis, urinary tract, and prostate gland. Get the leaves. Very good.

Eat cashew nuts good for the womb and anxiety and breathlessness.

If you suffer from scabies and psoriasis get some magic mushrooms down you. You'll see funny things while getting rid of scabies!

Drink dandelion with burdock its a dietary fibre.It increases urine production.Stimulates nutrition.Stimulates appetite for good food.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Arctic Sea

Arctic Sea 

The Importance of fish oils

One vital set of nutrients required for a healthy body are known collectively as fatty acids. These nutrients serve several functions. They make up the majority of the protective envelope, or the membrane, that surrounds every one of our cells. They are also used by the body as major building blocks for the creation of body fat, needed in appropriate amounts to cushion and protect our internal organs and to keep us warm.
However, not all fatty acids give the same benefits. Scientific research has linked the consumption of saturated fatty acids, found predominately in animal fat, with increased levels of cholesterol in the blood and a higher risk of heart attacks. The unsaturated fats found in vegetable oils have the opposite effect.

In particular, studies conducted over the past ten years have established that Inuits and Japanese fishermen have much few incidences of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers than people living in Western countries. What makes this so surprising is that many Inuit people also enjoy a diet with the highest animal fat content found anywhere in the world. Further investigations led to the conclusion that certain nutrients found in fish oils play a unique role in reducing the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in blood, thus reducing the risk of a heart attack. 

These nutrients are referred to as Omega -3 a group of polyunsaturated  fatty acids. They are 'essential' because the body cannot manafacture them  and must therefore receive them from dietary sources. Two of the most importnat fatty acids are called EPA (Eicosapentaeonic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and they not only lower the risk of developing  heart disease, but also  help keep arteries clear.

Other research over the past 30 years has also established that the other unsaturated fatty acids, known together as Omega-9, are a preferable dietary substitute for saturated animal fats because of their cholesterol lowering effect. These nutrients are typically found in vegetable products such as olive oil.

'The best way to obtain the beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids is to eat more seafood. Certainly all the reasons for eating polyunsaturated oils from vegetables remain, but we need to balance them with Omega-3 oils from fish.'
William Sands, Professor of biological chemistry at the University of Illinois at Chicago 

Description and Purpose

Forever has formulated a superior nutritional supplement to take advantage of the latest research into this important area of nutrition. Combining Omega-3 with Omega-9 provides a safe and balanced supplement which can lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Arctic-sea is a breakthrough in terms of a balanced supplement, using both vegetable and fish oils to derive the benefits of each. It provides a natural source of refined and concentrated cold water fish oils that are high in the polyunsaturated fats, a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA plus Oleic acid (from olive oil)

However, the benefits of EPA and DHA are not limited to the circulatory system. Low levels of these two nutrients can cause other serious health problems. They are needed for other functions, including the development and health of the eyes and the brain. They may also help inflammatory diseases. A deficiency of these oils can also lead to eye disorders, muscle weakness, skin problems, tingling in the arms and legs and behavioural changes.