Thursday, June 24, 2010

How mass collaboration changes everything

The potential of the new creation of "Prosumers" and "The New Alexandrians" -The Wikinomics in this book Wikinomics Is quite simply incredible. Cocreative communities created in dormitories by Mark Zuckerberg- Founder of facebook the next 20 years are going to be exciting. The ability to interact like never before, on a global scale.

The potential for these "Prosumers" to attract tens of millions of participants overnight. Mass collaboration, cocreating goods and services. Customers are actually now the "prosumer." The web 2.0 and the b-web or the business web is creating an enterprise 2.0 or enterprise social software - a massive harvest of the business value of Wikinomics. 

Open Source Networking - this open and developing Science is is driving business like never before. Making businesss more economical, A pro the problem with the recent crisis highlighted . It should never have happened when you consider the advanced technology available to networkers globallly. 

Proctor & Gamble had a near death experience in June 2000. Its business lines were atrophying, and revenues and profits were plummeting. Stock price had tumbled, and wall street were screaming. Something had to change. Led by Larry Huston (innovation head honcho) went on a campaign by open source networking. Up to and beyond 50% of its new innovations were outside their own premises in wikinomic marketplaces. 

InnoCentive, NineSigma, and The combined community efforts led one of the most dramatical turnarounds in the history of commerce. Hundreds of new products on the market, some of which are still massive global hits. In the process Lafley and his managers, like Huston, transformed a lumbering consumer products company iton a limber innovation machine. 

Today P&G is THE leader among thousands of companies that participate in a global IDEAGORA, where uniquely qualified minds exchange millions of ideas and inventions in something rivaling e-bay for innovation. Companies that make these sort of moves can now leverage a global pool of talent, ideas, and innovations that vastly exceeds what they could ever hope to marshal internally.

This new world has an ethos which is applicable to a life moral. For every top notch Scientist inside the labs of P&G there are another two hundred outside in other labs who are just as good. This open source community is aiding everybody. The sharing of information is not just confined to the company intranet. We are empowering each other with knowledge like never before.

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