Achieving the most comprehensively remarkable profit and loss results comparable to other successful, experienced managers that had been in the game for twenty years or more. The budget costings, on items such as wages, and controllable overheads, was evolutionary performance. They worried about my well-being I took everything so seriously, trimming the team down to the bare minimum (wage budget), yet having the 2nd most attractive store in the south east; up to Coventry going north. Others wanted to give me some Kryptonite to calm me down, to ensure their results might get close to mine.
A CCTV camera at Broad Street mall the most difficult supermarket in the country out of the big 6, ensured no incidents of this nature whatsoever.
A dictafone before BSM and I could be the most powerful manager of anything in the UK the words coming out of the mouths of too many to mention:
Francis Marra, Nigel Stead, Paul Benjamin, Carl Balden, Ruel Jansen, Paul Barnes, Azeem Kahn, Dave keen, Younis Bobbatt, Nadeem Ahmed, Paul Cowdery, Paul Blissett.Paul Slade, George Haughton, Alan Tombs, Ian Higginbottom.
Conversations with London stores only Wood Green, not even Catford, Brixton, turned up anything like the serious issues and long-term decay and catastrophic stock loss, hygiene, staff turnover, general all round mis-management malpractice continuation for years.
Then for 5 and a half months it achieved results and standards it never, ever had in its history as the main hub
for Tesco in the town. They removed me because they were seriously concerned about my well-being I was being threatened every night that a knife man would be waiting by my car. I would just say "stab me now scum-bag."
Paul (Benjamin) said we've got an experienced general of the army, a distinctive leader to take some of the strain off you when you move into your new home. I said "are you not satisfied with the long term progression"? he replied "another store we actually own, could make a profit with such a quality young manager such as yourself being installed there."
He came along on the day I moved in (Westminster) with bottle of champagne. He wasn't a powerful leader he was very soft, he had a pin grin whenever he came in to see the standards inside the store.
This so called leader of distinction from the armed forces, and power couldn't cope, 3 weeks he lasted. The another; Paul Gibbs demolished anything I'd built. So, Ruel Jansen was the only man who could restore any sort of order whatsoever.
I did a marketing campaign which added £7,000-£10,000 to his sales. he sustained it, because he was the best manager in the whole company. According to another 'wish i had a Dictaphone moment' director, and various people who I've listed above.
You don't forget these management techniques, you actually only get better and more experienced in life.
A GENERAL manager is able to turn his hands to anything. his skills are indefinite, not specific, or specialized in one skill: He's a general, the highest rank available to the confines of that particular unit.
All generations in developed (and increasingly, developing) countries use the Web. Many motives for going online- communicating with grandchildren may be of utmost importance. However its the new, younger generation, the ones bringing a new ethic of openness, participation, and interactivity to workplaces, communities, and markets.

I'm going to investigate these people now. A special investigation: My investigation is referenced in segments in this book. Wikinomics which has only received criticism from folk who perceive the revolution a threat to their previously imagined principles. Noel Gallagher only digs at others he perceives to be of sufficient talent to upset his legendary apple cart status.

Sir Alex Ferguson has always been very similar throughout his career. It was at St Mirren he discovered his natural born talent as a leader of others. He was able to assess his own success through hard work and dedication. Results on the pitch became consistent and he gained innate confidence. Traits of his childhood he recalled, previous experiences in life and he formed a psychological jigsaw puzzle. It was due to his spell at St Mirren and the spirit he built at the football club. The distinguishing of this phase of his life, is of significant importance, the unearthing of his potential. He became untouchable, after the manifestation of self-assurance he managed to infect his mind with at St Mirren.
Successful people in their own field. And now for this a new breed of workers, learners, consumers, and citizens. Think of them as the demographic engine of collaboration and the reason why the WWW perfect storm is not a flash in the pan but a persistent tempest that will gather force as they mature.
Demographers call them the "baby boom echo" but we prefer the Net Generation (similar to late 80's early 90's dance music culture were the "peace generation")
Born between 1977 & 1996 inclusive, this generation is bigger than the baby boom itself, and through sheer demographic muscle they will dominate the twenty-first century. While it is smaller in some countries, internationally the Net Generation or generation Z is huge, numbering over two billion in 2007, more collaborators join the revolution daily.
This is the first generation to grow up in the digital age and that makes them a force for collaboration. They are growing up. There is so much more to come.Exciting stuff..
Thing I'd like to do most:
- Bottoms Up (next door to me in the Guinness book of records supermarket branch) around a camp-fire at a festival. Celebrate good times. Much like singing U2 songs, around a camp-fire in the Lake District when I was a world class athlete in November 1991, I'd done the whole Crystal Palace thing earlier that summer, and Berkshire races over longer distances, yet couldn't beat a certain Eton athlete over half a mile, he was the best in the UK though.
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